Writing Coach and Published Author
Deb Donnell
Welcome! I’m Deb Donnell. Do you have a life story trapped inside of you?
- It may be an autobiography you’d like to write and publish commercially.
- Alternatively it could be a personal memoir you’d like to gift to your descendants.
- Or you may have researched your family history and want to create a permanent legacy?
- Perhaps your story documents your professional expertise which you want to share with colleagues, clients or like-minded readers.
I also offer online and local workshops and courses to teach you how to preserve your personal stories and valuable knowledge. If you are interested in releasing your trapped story then I can help you.
How May I Help You?
“81 percent of people feel that they have a book in them — and should write it.”
—2002 Survey reported in the New York Times
If you are among the 81 percent, I’m here to help you release your trapped story. The first step in our journey together will be to set realistic expectations. We will decide who you are writing the book for, and what success looks like for you.
This is crucial, because assuming the above 81 percent all start writing their book, only 3 percent will actually finish it. So in order for you to not die with your life story trapped inside you, it’s best to engage the services of a professional.
Fortunately, technology allows me to work with clients all over the world. So you don’t have to live locally to work with me. We can easily connect and work together via the Internet or telephone.
Work with Deb Donnell
As well as offering writing and publishing services, I also offer mentoring and consulting services to individuals who want to share their unique and valuable treasure through content marketing and book publishing. Working together lightens the load and fast tracks your journey to success.

One-on-one Coaching
90 minute coaching sessions tailored to focus on whatever you need to work on. These are conducted via online video calls.

Group Coaching
Weekly online coaching, with supportive, like-minded people. Progressive step-by-step programmes. Limited numbers.

A range of topic specific publications to guide you through the journey. Available as one-offs, or a membership subscription.
Articles by Deb Donnell

Reflection #003: Why Write Your Stories
Why Write Your Stories? Author and Writing Coach, Deb Donnell reflects on why writing your stories is an important legacy for you to create. While this reflection was first posted

Reflection #002: A Tale of Two Tall Ships
This tale of two tall ships compares the historic Dutch tall ship, Oosterschelde with the 1860s immigration ship, Brother’s Pride. Both are three masted top sail tall ships, and both

Reflection #001 New Year Resolutions
Why most New Year resolutions are broken in the first week Do you make New Year Resolutions? Every new year I watch the posts scroll by on my Facebook feed.

Embrace Your Creativity: Harnessing the Free Power of Writing
Harnessing the Power of Writing for Personal Freedom Are you ready to embrace your creativity and experience the power of writing to set yourself free? In a world that often

John Cleese on Creativity
John Cleese on Creativity (John Cleese’s War on Wokeism) Watch John Cleese on creativity and how important it is for humanity. One reason I’m choosing to share this video is

Mass Hypnosis – Wake up and Open Your Eyes!
Mass Hypnosis – Wake up and Open Your Eyes! I understand that it is hard to admit you’ve fallen for the con. But if you don’t do this now, it’ll

Acronym for Fear Factual Evidence Analyse Respond
Most people think of the acronym for FEAR being “False Evidence Appearing Real”. The consequences of thinking this way keeps you stuck and unable to move forward. As a result,

Work Harder on Yourself than on Your Job
“Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you’ll make a living, if you work hard on yourself you

How Dare They Cancel the English Language!
Have you noticed they want to cancel the English language? Along with everything else. Well, this is something that is being politicised in the exact same fashion that George Orwell