Using the Lockdown for Personal Development
Change Yourself Challenge: Tips from the Covid 19 Lockdown.
Location: New Zealand.
Day 1 of Lockdown (Covid-19 Alert Level 4)
Thank You to Frontline Workers in Essential Businesses
Firstly, I want to say a big thank you to all the people who are on the frontline.
You are the individuals who are working out in the community, exposed to the public. You don’t know if they are contagious. And sometimes you have to deal people who cannot control emotions. That is not fair to you at all.
Most importantly, you are the ones who are NOT being compensated (at time of writing) for your increased risk at work. Many of you are employed in minimum wage or low hourly rate positions. You didn’t sign up for this. But you are still turning up to work each day. Thank you.
Working From Home Remote Workers at Risk
Secondly, it is also important to acknowledge the people who are still working remotely at home. You still have jobs to do, tasks to complete, and adjustments to make.
You are also working in environments with increased risks. These risks relate to cybersecurity.
In particular, your employer may not have secure remote access systems in place. In the rush to move you home, there will be a lot of shortcuts taken.
You may be working off your personal devices. Additionally, your internet connections may be vulnerable. How would you know?
If employees are working remotely and have doubts, talk to your employer. You can also contact Sabre IT as they are able to do remote audits and remote work on your systems. Sabre IT are experts at ensuring your home network and business remote access process are secure,
Change Yourself Challenge | Don’t Sit “On the Couch”
The Change Yourself Challenge is aimed at people whose circumstances have suddenly changed. If you cannot go to work, and you are required to stay at home, what can you do? There’s plenty of memes going around making statements such as:
“Your grandparents were called to war. You’re being called to sit on a couch. You can do this.”
Personally, I find this insulting. You cannot compare the Covid-19 virus to the war our grandparents and great grandparents experienced. Sure, there are possibly some parallels. However, mostly this is nothing like the horror and deprivation people impacted by war experience.
Read Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning
If you don’t believe me, invest some of your “couch time” in reading Man’s Search for Meaning. You can download a digital or audio copy from Amazon for a few dollars. It could be the best investment in yourself you make today.
Viktor Frankl survived four different Nazi Death Camps, including Auschwitz. His parents, brother, pregnant wife, and millions of others didn’t. And despite this horrific life experience, he credits his survival with finding something meaningful to keep him going.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl
Change Yourself Challenge: Search for Meaning in Your Changing Circumstances
I’m extremely fortunate. I’ve been through a couple of devastating mass trauma events. The Christchurch Earthquake 2010, and the Christchurch Mosque Attack. Both were horrific. But both made me understand that we cannot control what happens to us. And often the same thing happens to us all. And this Covid-19 Lockdown is happening to us all – on a global scale. You can’t get a bigger mass trauma event than this.
However, what we can control is how we respond to what happens. If we’re not on the frontline, then we are extremely lucky.
So we owe it to the people who are on the frontline to do more than just “sit on the couch.”
And we owe it to the victims – to the people of all ages, who will never return home, to do something of value with our time.
My Christchurch Earthquake Vows
On 22 February 2011 I promised the victims that I would make something of my life, because they could not. This is a work in progress.
Also, I promised the crush injured survivors, that I would help them adjust to their suddenly changed circumstances. Eventually I did, by assisting them with fundraising.
Finally, I promised the people on the frontline, that one day I’d help them tell their story. Two years later, together with Pete Seager and the New Zealand Volunteer Response Teams. we released the book Responders.
These three vows are as relevant today, as they were 9 years ago.
Introducing my Personal Development Programme
I am preparing to my launch my personal development programme inside KESWiN™ Academy. This is an online member only training academy for people who are experiencing a sudden change of circumstances.
Members are guided on a personal development quest to make sense of what has happened. Once inside this new world, members slay dragons protecting treasure hidden inside of them.
Next, they identify untapped potentials. Then, they choose some goals, and create an action plan and strategy to achieve them.
From there, they can choose how to share their valuable talents and attributes with others.
Do you want to something more interesting than just sitting on the couch? Then look at the Covid-19 lockdown as a “Change Yourself Challenge”.
Start thinking about searching for and discovering what you personally find meaningful, and then pursuing it with vigor.
You owe it to yourself, to the people who have and are taking risks and making sacrifices.
Most importantly, in finding meaning for yourself, you will be able to help others find their meaning as well.
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